- Simple installation
- Client/server architecture for local and remote job submission
- Real-time UI communication with server
- Reading and processing of more than 200 supported file formats
- HPGL/1 and HPGL/2 support
- Web-update
- Detailed print preview
- FOGRA compliant ICC color management
- Manual repositioning and rotation of nested jobs, include real-image preview
- Extensive help system with many workshops
- Job scaling to pre-defined image size
- Interpolation, sharpening, anti-aliasing
- Proportional/non-proportional scaling
- Mirror preview and printing
- Automatic and dynamic nesting of different file sizes and formats (including multipage files)
- Autom. recognition of file format and color space
- Print one and hold functionality
- Crop and cut marks (also for automated cutting)
- PPD templates, incl. direct print to nest
- Printing with job or color template
- Layout printing for multiple copies and nesting of tiled jobs
- Auto-cropping, fit-image-to-page-size, fit-in-format functionality
- Snap-to-object function in the nest editor
- Full control of rendering intent, input and simulation profiles
- Individual adjustment of drying time for any media from within PosterJet
- Bi-directional printer communication to retrieve printer status automatically
- Extended color correction
- Sophisticated color management for images or objects within a print job (expert mode)
- Sophisticated color management for different color spaces within a print job (expert mode)
RIP-programmet PosterJet High Performance är lätt att använda och ökar produktiviteten i alla digitala utskriftsmiljöer för storformat. Tack vare en unik linjärisering av utskriftsprocessen och ett autentiskt hanteringssystem för ICC-färger producerar PosterJet utskrifter som återger originalet till 100 %.